Everyone has the potential to feel unsafe walking alone on the streets. Regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, or age anyone could be put in a vulnerable situation. Not only do we have to worry about ourselves, we also have to look out for our friends, family, and co-workers who are at risk.
31.5% of 16-70 year olds have suffered some form of physical or sexual violence in the course of their lives. 20.2% suffered physical violence, 21% sexual and 5.4% more serious forms such as rape (Magdalene, 2022). This continues to be an issue and something needs to be done.
Imagine being able to leave your home by yourself whenever you want without the fear of something bad happening to you. Or feeling comfortable enough to be out alone even when it is dark out. This is what we are striving towards.
Viola is providing 24/7 support for anyone who feels unsafe while walking alone. Video calls, video recording, chat, geolocation, maps, voice activation, connection to law enforcement, and a contact alert system are all tools that Viola is working to provide to help get you home safely. At the end of 2023 the Viola app will have all of these features available for you, but for now we offer a version which includes video calls.
Our goal is to prevent unwanted approaches, intimidate any possible aggressors, and provide witness and proof through audio and visual recordings. We want to create a safer environment for everyone and battle the complex issues of street violence. That is why Viola is here and ready to accompany you home.
Follow us on Instagram to stay updated on further app developments and to join us on our journey. If you would like to schedule a video call click on this link to help us get you home safely https://www.violawalkhome.com/videocall/.